home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ==================================================================
- FILE: CntTool.js
- DESCR: Contents control library file for Netscape Help implementation.
- NOTES: Requires Utility.js
- ================================================================== */
- var ASSERT = true
- var contentsObj
- var aDatasets = new Array()
- var aTmpContainers = new Array()
- var aTmpItems = new Array()
- /*
- DESCR: Contents class.
- PARAMS: bgcolor Background color for the Contents tool.
- */
- function contents( bgcolor )
- {
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents construct" )
- //alert( "contents construct" )
- this.bgcolor = bgcolor
- this.lastToggledContainerIndex
- this.bContainerToggle = false
- this.bItemSelected = false
- this.currentDataset = ""
- this.setDataset = setDataset
- this.updateTree = updateTree
- this.updateEntries = updateEntries
- this.writeDocument = writeDocument
- this.scrollDocument = scrollDocument
- this.containerClick = containerClick
- this.itemClick = itemClick
- // Set global reference to this component.
- contentsObj = this
- // Load data.
- loadData()
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Selects a dataset for the tool.
- PARAMS: indexName The name that indexes the dataset in the
- datasets array.
- */
- function setDataset( indexName )
- {
- //alert( "setDataset, " + indexName )
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents setDataset()" )
- this.currentDataset = indexName
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Updates the Contents tree.
- PARAMS: newURL The current topic. Passing a URL expands its container
- as needed and selects the item representing the URL. If updating
- to just to toggle a container, pass null.
- */
- function updateTree( newURL )
- {
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents updateTree()" )
- //alert( "updateTree" )
- assert( ( this.currentDataset != "" ), DATASET )
- // Write a background color to the hidden frame, and bind its events to
- // the global handlers.
- frames[ 0 ].document.open()
- var html = "<BODY BGCOLOR = " + this.bgcolor + ">"
- html += "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = 'JavaScript1.2'>"
- html += "top.bindDocEvts( document )"
- html += "</SCRIPT></BODY>"
- frames[ 0 ].document.write( html )
- frames[ 0 ].document.close()
- // Bind hidden frame events to global event handlers.
- top.bindDocEvts( frames[ 0 ].document )
- // Determine if this is an update just to toggle a container.
- this.bContainerToggle = ( ( typeof( newURL ) == "undefined" ) ? true : false )
- // Update the entry objects.
- if ( !this.bContainerToggle ) this.updateEntries( newURL )
- // Write the tree.
- this.writeDocument()
- // Bind event handlers.
- top.bindDocEvts( ContentsFrame.document )
- // Scroll the tree.
- if ( this.bItemSelected ) this.scrollDocument()
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Updates the tree entry objects.
- PARAMS: newURL The URL from updateTree().
- */
- function updateEntries( newURL )
- {
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents updateEntries()" )
- //alert("updateEntries()")
- var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
- // Check each item...
- var itemsSelected = 0 // Assert only.
- this.bItemSelected = false
- for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
- for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
- with ( aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ] ) {
- // ...and turn off any that are selected...
- if ( bSelected ) bSelected = false
- // ...and select the specified item...
- if ( URLsSansPathsAreSame( URL, newURL ) ) {
- itemsSelected++
- assert( ( itemsSelected < 2 ), ITEMS_SELECTED )
- bSelected = true
- this.bItemSelected = true
- // ...making sure the selected item's container is expanded.
- aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Scrolls the tree.
- NOTES: If update is triggered outside of tool, we want to scroll as
- needed to the selected item to show where user is in the tree.
- Same for an item click, so the item is visible. For a container
- click, we only want to scroll to the clicked container, since
- the user is just looking for, or covering up, items.
- */
- function scrollDocument()
- {
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents scrollDocument()" )
- //alert("scrollDocument")
- // Ignore scrolling if content does not exceed window.
- if ( frames[ 1 ].document.height < frames[ 1 ].innerHeight ) return
- // Calculate our best guess of pixel magnitude along the y axis of tree
- // window for the item we want to make visible.
- var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
- var y = 0
- var containerHeight = 11
- var itemHeight = 11
- var topMargin = 4
- var bottomMargin = 4
- var wrapLeading = 4
- var charPerLine = 14
- // Tally pixels for entries.
- for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
- // Tally for the container. Tally must account for how
- // many lines the entry takes up, including the spacing between
- // lines that wrap.
- var lines = Math.ceil( aTmpContainers[ i ].text.length / charPerLine )
- y += topMargin +
- ( containerHeight * lines ) +
- ( wrapLeading * ( lines - 1 ) ) +
- bottomMargin
- // If just toggling a container, tally only to the newly
- // toggled container.
- if ( this.bContainerToggle && this.lastToggledContainerIndex == i ) {
- break
- }
- // Tally items in opened containers.
- if ( aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded ) {
- for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
- // Tally for the item.
- var tmpItemLength = aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ].text.length
- lines = Math.ceil( tmpItemLength / charPerLine )
- y += topMargin +
- ( itemHeight * lines ) +
- ( wrapLeading * ( lines - 1 ) ) +
- bottomMargin
- // If updating for a newly selected item, stop all tallying
- // when we get to the selected item.
- if ( !this.bContainerToggle &&
- aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ].bSelected ) {
- i = ( aTmpContainers.length )
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Scroll to bring the entry to the middle of the window.
- var frameHeight = frames[ 1 ].innerHeight
- var center = ( frameHeight / 2 )
- if ( y > center ) frames[ 1 ].scrollTo( 0, y - center )
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Writes the tree document.
- */
- function writeDocument()
- {
- //top.SystemFrame.trace( "contents writeDocument()" )
- //alert("writeDocument")
- var aTmpContainers = aDatasets[ this.currentDataset ]
- var link
- var html = "<HTML><HEAD>"
- html += "<STYLE TYPE = 'text/javascript'>"
- html += "classes.container.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
- html += "classes.container.a.fontSize = '12px';"
- html += "classes.container.a.marginTop = 4;"
- html += "classes.container.a.marginBottom = 4;"
- //html += "classes.container.a.textDecoration = 'none';"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.fontSize = '12px';"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginLeft = 4;"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginTop = 4;"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.marginBottom = 4;"
- html += "classes.unselectedItem.a.color = '#6600ff';"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontFamily = 'arial';"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontSize = '12px';"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginLeft = 4;"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginTop = 4;"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.marginBottom = 4;"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.color = '#6600ff';"
- html += "classes.selectedItem.a.fontWeight = 'bold';"
- //html += "classes.selectedItem.a.backgroundColor = 'white';"
- // Remove href underlining.
- html += "tags.a.textDecoration = 'none';"
- html += "</STYLE>"
- html += "</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR = " + this.bgcolor +
- " LINK = '#000066' ALINK = '#000066' VLINK = '#000066'>"
- for ( var i = 0; i < aTmpContainers.length; i++ ) {
- link = "\"javascript:parent.contentsObj.containerClick('" + this.currentDataset + "', " + i + ")\""
- html += "<A CLASS = 'container' HREF = " + link + ">" + aTmpContainers[ i ].text + "</A>"
- if ( aTmpContainers[ i ].bExpanded ) {
- for ( var j = 0; j < aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems.length; j++ ) {
- with ( aTmpContainers[ i ].aItems[ j ] ) {
- var ssClass = ( bSelected ? "selectedItem" : "unselectedItem" )
- link = "\"javascript:parent.contentsObj.itemClick('" + this.currentDataset + "', " + i + ", " + j + ")\""
- html += "<A CLASS = '" + ssClass + "' HREF = " + link + ">" + text + "</A>"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- html += "</BODY></HTML>"
- with ( frames[ 1 ].document ) {
- open()
- write( html )
- close()
- }
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Container object click "event."
- PARAMS: datasetIndex The dataset index.
- containerIndex The container index.
- */
- function containerClick( datasetIndex, containerIndex )
- {
- // Toggle the container's state.
- var obj = aDatasets[ datasetIndex ][ containerIndex ]
- obj.bExpanded = ( obj.bExpanded ? false : true )
- this.lastToggledContainerIndex = containerIndex
- // Update the tree.
- this.updateTree()
- }
- /*
- DESCR: Item object click "event."
- PARAMS: datasetIndex The dataset index.
- containerIndex The container index.
- itemIndex The item index.
- */
- function itemClick( datasetIndex, containerIndex, itemIndex )
- {
- // Notify component owner of selection, and update tree on success.
- var obj = aDatasets[ datasetIndex ][ containerIndex ].aItems[ itemIndex ]
- // Load the topic (location doesn't matter since it's a nethelp URL.
- location = obj.netHelpURL
- }
- // End class definition: contents.
- /*
- DESCR: Container class.
- PARAMS: text The container's text.
- aItems Array of item objects.
- */
- function container( text, aItems )
- {
- this.text = text
- this.aItems = aItems
- this.bExpanded = false
- }
- // End class definition: container.
- /*
- DESCR: Item class.
- PARAMS: text The item's text.
- URL The URL in non-NetHelp form.
- netHelpURL The URL in NetHelp form.
- */
- function item( text, URL, netHelpURL )
- {
- this.text = text
- this.URL = URL
- this.netHelpURL = netHelpURL
- this.bSelected = false
- }
- // End class definition: item.